
2005年、汚染された飲料水でたくさんの子供たちが命をおとすアフリカの発展途上国から大使館を通じ「雨水を飲める水 にしてほしい」と依頼を受けたことが開発の始まりでした。


大規模で高額の設備を必要とせず、汚染された水を綺麗にし 飲める安全性を確保する。

この難題を解決できたのが NOCERAです。


大阪産業大学工学部の学内ベンチャー企業OSUによって実用 化されたこのNOCERAは、チタンと炭素を焼成合成し生成す る炭化チタンセラミックス(TiC)で、超微細な粉末に加工し、 水中に懸濁させることで強い抗菌作用のある「ラジカル種」 を発生させ、雨水を飲める水にすることに成功しました。



Safe Drinkable Water

from Contaminated Water

In 2005, a developing country in Africa, where a number of children die from polluted drinking water, requested through the embassy to "make rainwater drinkable." It was the beginning of a journey of research and development.


Part of our challenge included purifying the contaminated water and ensuring the safety for drinking without the need for large-scale and expensive equipment.


NOCERA was a solution to this difficult challenge. This NOCERA, which was put into practical use by OSU Co., an on-campus venture company of the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Sangyo University, is titanium carbide ceramics (known as Non-Oxidized carbide CERAmics). Produced by firing and synthesizing titanium and carbon, processed into ultrafine powder and suspended in water, NOCERA succeeded in making rainwater drinkable by generating radical species that have a strong antibacterial effect.


Today, the product is also contributing to the work of saving children in the Philippines and Kenya.



1.  基本的な構造と生成方法

Basic structure and manufacturing method

2.  安全性の確認検査

Safety confirmation of Good Laboratory Practice

3.  水との接触による効力

The NOCERA powder suspended in the water

4.  推奨する懸濁濃度

Recommended suspension concentration

5.  ウイルスの不活化

Inactivation of Virus

6.  超音波加湿器内の菌数測定

Measure the number of bacteria in the ultrasonic humidifier

7.  超音波加湿器からのレジオネラ菌感染の予防

Preventing Legionella infections from humidifiers

8.  ラジカルによる殺菌

Sterilization by Radical Species

9.  細菌に対する殺菌効果

Bactericidal effect on bacteria

10.  消滅・減衰が確認された菌類とウィルス類

Fungi & Viruses of which extinction or attenuation was confirmed 

11.  ラジカル種による消臭効果

Deodorant Effect by Radical Species

12.  臭気のある気体の消臭実験

Deodorization Experiment of Odorous Gas

以下文中における NOCERA の記述は、NOCERA POWDER (粉砕したもの) を意図しています。

Note that the description of NOCERA in the text below is intended as NOCERA POWDER.

チタンと炭素と銀の粉末化合物に電気着火し、 約3000℃の瞬間高温化学反応をおこすことにより 「燃焼合成」された多孔質炭化チタンを2μmに粉砕

"Combustion-synthesized” porous titanium carbide, which is created by electrically igniting a powder compound of titanium, carbon, and silver and causing an instantaneous high-temperature chemical reaction at about 3000 ° C, is crushed to 2μm


Combustion synthesis process



PAT: JP3988030 

A crushed ceramic that does not exist in nature and is produced only by the patented manufacturing method.


NOCERA is not a drug or quasi-drug. It is a compound that has been confirmed to be non-toxic by food safety standards.


NOCERA does not dissolve in water.Radical species are generated by stirring it in water.


Only NOCERA can produce the radical speciesCH3 in the world.


NOCERA does not dissolve in water. Radical species are generated by stirring it in water.


The NOCERA powder recommended concentration

飲料水としての安全性を確保しつつ、殺菌・抗菌 効果が期待できる最適な濃度

Optimal concentration that can be expected to have bactericidal and antibacterial effects while ensuring safety as drinking water




Less than 10ppm

Expected bactericidal and antibacterial effects, but not recommended in consideration of immediate effect




Although the bactericidal and antibacterial effects are enhanced, it is not recommended in consideration of safety as drinking water and cost balance.


Two radical species produced by the reaction of NOCERA and water inactivate the virus.

OH(ヒドロキシラジカル)は、活性酸素と呼ばれ最も反応性が高く、酸化力が強いされていますが、NOCERAと水との反応によりCH3 (メチルラジカル)も同時に発生することでより強い殺菌力が生まれます。

Generally, OH hydroxy radicals are called active oxygen, and are said to have the highest reactivity and strong oxidizing power. However, TiC pellets also generate CH3 methyl radicals at the same time, resulting in stronger bactericidal power.


Inactivation of influenza A virus



そこで、NOCERAの懸濁水の有用性を確認するためにin vitro 試験を行いました。

Viral infections are prevented by the formation of neutralizing antibodies against the virus in the body. 

However, since the virus is easily mutated, it is necessary to prepare a vaccine as a preventive drug each time. 

On the other hand, viruses parasitize cells and multiply, so although there are antiviral drugs that block their growth, the virus itself cannot be destroyed directly. Therefore, in order to verify the usefulness of suspended water of NOCERA, we conducted an in vitro test.


H1N1 influenza virus inactivation test results

一般的な酸化物セラミックスは水と接触した場合OH(ヒドロキシラジカル)を生成するが、NOCERAは水と接触することでOHとCH3 (メチルラジカル)を生成する。

Generally, OH hydroxy radicals are called active oxygen, and are said to have the highest reactivity and strong oxidizing power. However, TiC pellets also generate CH methyl radicals at the same time, resulting in stronger bactericidal power.


Generally, OH hydroxy radicals are called active oxygen, and are said to have the highest reactivity and strong oxidizing power. However, TiC pellets also generate CH3  methyl radicals at the same time, resulting in stronger bactericidal power.


To investigate the general viable cell count in the humidifier pool water when suspended water containing 10 ppm of NOCERA added to tap water is sprayed with an ultrasonic humidifier.


Relation between the number of days and the number of general viable bacteria



In tap water (control) in which NOCERA powder was not suspended, general viable bacteria were always detected after 1 day, whereas in tap water + 10 ppm of NOCERA, no general viable bacteria were detected until 15 days later.




Test method

The test product was sprayed with an ultrasonic humidifier, and the general viable cell count in the pooled water of the humidifier was counted with a thick sheet medium Sanita-kun of Chisso Co., Ltd. at predetermined time intervals.

NOCERAと水の反応によって生成される2つのラジカル種が、 加湿器内のレジオネラ属菌類を殺菌します。

Two radical species produced by the reaction of NOCERA and water sterilize Legionella spp. in the humidifier.

NOCERA懸濁水 及び 純水における試験液1mlあたりの生菌数測定結果

Measurement results of viable cell count per 1 ml of test solution in NOCERA suspended water and pure water



Inhalation of Legionella . propagated in an ultrasonic humidifier through a sprayed aerosol (fine mist or spray) can cause Legionellosis. If the water inside is left unattended, various fungi other than Legionella will grow and cause slime and pollute the indoor air.

By having 10ppm NOCERA suspended water in the ultrasonic humidifier  it is possible to inactivate the internal fungi, keep clean and prevent infectious diseases.



Strong bactericidal effect by two radical species is validated.


NOCERAが水と反応することで生成されるOH ヒドロキシラジカルと、NOCERAだけが生成できるCH3 メチルラジカルが、ウィルスを不活化し、様々な細菌を殺菌出来ることが実験から明らかになりました。

Experiments have revealed that the OH hydroxyl radical produced by NOCERA's reaction with water and the CH3 methyl radical produced only by NOCERA can inactivate viruses and kill various bacteria.

様々な細菌に対してNOCERA懸濁水の殺菌性能を調べた結果、大腸菌や緑膿菌、食中毒を引き起こすカンピロバクター、病原性大腸菌 O-157 に至るまで、この懸濁水の中で生存したバクテリアは見つかっていません。

As a result of investigating the bactericidal performance of NOCERA suspended water against various bacteria, no bacteria that survived in this suspended water were found, including Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Campylobacter that causes food poisoning, pathogenic Escherichia coli O-157. 

NOCERA懸濁水 及び 純水における試験液1mlあたりの生菌数測定結果

Measurement results of viable cell count per 1ml of test solution in NOCERA suspended water and pure water 


Results of various experiments and verification


Bacteria & Fungi 

大腸菌 E.coli
サルモネラ菌 Salmonella
緑膿菌 Pseudomonas
黄色ブドウ球菌 Staphylococcus aureus
レジオネラ菌 Legionella
黒麹カビ Black aspergillus
病原性大腸菌 O-157 O-157
赤痢菌 Shigella sonnet IID 969
ピロリ菌 Helicobacter pylori
カンピロバクター菌 Campylobacteriosis
チフス菌 Typhus
クレブシエラ Klebsiella pneumoniae
メスチリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌 MRSA
結核菌 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
バンコマイシン耐性腸球菌 VRE VRE
リステリア Listeria
カンディダ Candida



インフルエンザ Influenza
急性灰白髄炎 Poliovirus
ヘルペスウィルス Herpesviridae
ロタウィルス Rotavirus


NOCERA is safe enough to drink and has strong bactericidal properties.



NOCERA is a ceramic compound that has the rare property of showing strong bactericidal properties against bacteria [prokaryotic cells] and also having safety that does not adversely affect humans and animals [eukaryotic cells].


Synergistic effect of deodorization by radical species and silver ions

ヒドロキシラジカル OH とメチルラジカル CH3 が臭気のある分子と化学反応し、臭いのしない異なる分子に変わることで、消臭効果をもたらします。

Hydroxyl radical OH and methyl radical CH3 chemically react with odorous molecules to change into different odorless molecules, which has a deodorizing effect.


Although two radical species by themselves have a deodorizing effect, NOCERA contains silver (Ag) by calcining synthesis, and silver ions also help deodorize.



1 g of NOCERA powder was placed in a 1liter flask and the gas of the subject was sealed. After leaving it for 30 minutes, the gas in the flask was measured by gas chromatography.